Naturstudium I cycle

six pieces for percussion
Record project released on October 6, 2023 by Mode Records (New York), label specialized in contemporary music.
Naturstudium, is a cycle of works that takes nature as a source of inspiration, and focuses on the exploration of apparently inaudible sounds.
The title NATURSTUDIUM refers to the essay published by the painter Paul Klee in 1923, for the weekly magazine of events of the Bauhaus school. In his text, entitled
“Wege des Naturstudium”, Klee proposed different ways for artists to look at natural objects, including seeing, feeling and moving, in such a way as to connect their
body with the observed object.
Each of the works on the disc references a painting by Paul Klee, as explained in detail in the accompanying program notes written by master percussionist and
conductor Steven Schick.
The album was recorded at the Phonos Foundation and created in artistic residency at the Fabra i Coats Creation Factory in Barcelona.
In 2021 was made the second project of this cycle, Naturstudium 2 for soprano saxophone, and currently, thanks to the support of one of the prestigious Beca
Leonardo awards for researchers and cultural creators of the BBVA foundation, I am working on Naturstudium 3, for Baschet sound sculptures.
Premiered on October 5, 2019 at Seismes Festival, Barcelona

More information:

Acces to the digital album 
Texts from the booklet accompanying the album (written by Steven Schick)

